Xming for xterm on a PC

評分5.0(8)·免費·Windows適用平台:電腦;OS:Windows10版本0.0或更高版本;鍵盤:整合式鍵盤;滑鼠:整合式滑鼠 ...,評分5.0(8)·免費·Windows安裝.登入您的Microsoft帳戶以取得此應用程式,並在最多10部Windows裝置上安裝。此App可以.使用所有系統資源.權限資訊.支援的語...。參考影片的文章的如下:


PuTTY - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

評分 5.0 (8) · 免費 · Windows 適用平台: 電腦 ; OS: Windows 10 版本0.0 或更高版本 ; 鍵盤: 整合式鍵盤 ; 滑鼠: 整合式滑鼠 ...


評分 5.0 (8) · 免費 · Windows 安裝. 登入您的Microsoft 帳戶以取得此應用程式,並在最多10 部Windows 裝置上安裝。 此App 可以. 使用所有系統資源. 權限資訊. 支援的語言. English (United States) ...


The xterm program is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It was originally developed in the mid-1980s to provide DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 ...

MobaXterm Xserver with SSH, telnet, RDP, VNC and X11

Free X server for Windows with tabbed SSH terminal, telnet, RDP, VNC and X11-forwarding - Download. Home Edition · Subscription · Plugins

MobaXterm free Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows

Free X server for Windows with tabbed SSH terminal, telnet, RDP, VNC, Xdmcp, Mosh and X11-forwarding. Portable or installer version. Download · Download Home Edition · Demo · Features

Xterm Window Manager download

Download Xterm Window Manager for free. Xterm Window Manager (XtermWM) is a desktop environment / window manager for the console.


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Xming —— 從Windows 系統管理圖像化的Linux 應用程式

Xming 安裝程式適用於Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP 桌面及Windows Server 2012/2008/2003。 步驟:. 利用下列連結從Sourceforge 下載最新版的Xming 安裝程式。 http ...

The Xterm Window Manager Homepage

Xterm Window Manager (XtermWM) is a desktop environment / window manager for the console. Its major features include: Tiled and windowed terminal shells with ...

xterm - 下載檔案列表

評分 5.0 (4) · 免費 The xterm program is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102/VT220 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for ...


評分5.0(8)·免費·Windows適用平台:電腦;OS:Windows10版本0.0或更高版本;鍵盤:整合式鍵盤;滑鼠:整合式滑鼠 ...,評分5.0(8)·免費·Windows安裝.登入您的Microsoft帳戶以取得此應用程式,並在最多10部Windows裝置上安裝。此App可以.使用所有系統資源.權限資訊.支援的語言.English(UnitedStates) ...,ThextermprogramisaterminalemulatorfortheXWindowSystem.Itwasoriginallydevelopedinthemid-1980stoprovideDECVT102andTektronix4...